An Adaptation by Doctors Prof. Titia Overbeek Cohen and Prof. Ingrid Brussé from Erasmus University MC, Netherlands
The International Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG) will dictate the course “The 6-Step Approach” and other BT (Basic Training) content using 20 Volutracer OPUS ultrasound simulators. This innovative educational platform allows students to practice “at home” with real patients’ cases using convex and transvaginal transducers, while being monitored remotely by their tutors. The practical sessions with borrowed simulators will be reserved for Belgian residents solely, yet can be viewed from any country on livestream!
“The Six-Step Approach” lecture’s content was developed by Doctors Prof. Titia Overbeek Cohen MD and Prof. Ingrid Brussé MD from Erasmus University, Netherlands, together with the Volutracer OPUS Academy. The ensemble combines theoretical lessons with intelligent practical exercises with GPS guidance, measurements, questionnaires, and evaluations that will make the student shorten the learning curve.
On June the 13th, Prof. Gihad Chalouhi, current head of ISUOG’s Basic Training Department, will adapt Volutracer OPUS’s course “The 20 Plus 2 planes approach for routine mid-range exploration” to give his lecture. Volutracer OPUS’s “20 Plus 2” course is regularly used by the ISUOG Outreach Task Force in international missions to destinations such as Rwanda and Oman.